I have some great memories as a kid. In between blowing off firecrackers and fishing, I wanted to be either a football player or a rock and roll star. I wasn’t very good at playing a guitar, but I was the fastest kid around. No one could catch me when I carried that football. I still have a half a dozen different guitars hanging around the house. Eventually, I learned how to ski and became very good at it. I spent a lot of time on the slopes learning how to do a daffy and a helicopter and miraculously never broke my legs. My dream was to become an Olympic skier—it was that or a marine biologist.
We all have dreams and passions. Somewhere along the line I discovered writing. My stories are a mixture of perilous adventures combined with creepy things that will give you goose bumps.
Things I really (really) love:
The Beatles
Swedish Fish (the real ones)
Starbucks Caramel Macchiato
My kids
Scuba diving
The ocean
Farrah Fawcett
James Bond movies.
Hot dogs Chicago style
Aston Martin
The beach
The sound of laughter
Favorite book:
Favorite book series: The Dark Tower, by Stephen King
Favorite author: Stephen King
Inspirational author: Michael Crichton
Favorite movie: Jaws
Favorite place in the world: Hawaii (It has mountains and the ocean. Volcano is an added bonus)
If I could be anyone in the world instead of myself, I would be: Bono. He rocks.
If I could be someone for just a day, I would be: Mick Jagger or Keith Richards. I would probably have a better chance of making it through the day if I was Jagger.
Secret: I can make my eyebrows move up and down unilaterally